Healthy balanced meal put together in one meal is a concept of Buddha bowls. It is not exactly a recipe , but a guideline to have a healthy balanced meal. Even before i know this term, i love to eat my meal all in one bowl. Before my low carb lifestyle, i used eat rice, […]
Tag: lchf tamil
Mutton roast recipe – Roasted mutton / Lamb – Low Carb Mutton recipes
Very simple and easy to make Mutton roast, which is absolutely delicious and tasty, Low in carb as well. So it is a great dish for any low carb diet like keto, paleo. Prep Time: 30 mins Cook Time: 20 +20 mins Serves: 2 Ingredients needed: Goat / Mutton– 350 gms Butter as needed Chili […]
Low Carb Bread recipe Using Coconut Flour – Keto / Paleo bread – Gluten and Grain free
Coconut flour is becoming the super hero ingredient in the market. As every body talks about it and various recipes, how will i miss this. Also after i started doing my low carb diet (neither keto nor paleo), i have been studying a lot and experimenting various recipes. Among all, am just sharing my successful […]