Low Carb Buddha bowl for weight loss(my version) – Keto Lunch bowl

Healthy balanced meal put together in one meal is a concept of Buddha bowls. It is not exactly a recipe , but a guideline to have a healthy balanced meal. Even before i know this term, i love to eat my meal all in one bowl. Before my low carb lifestyle, i used eat rice, kulambu, poriyal, and appalam all in one bowl. Never wondered why i liked this way. But this habit is more useful to me in a low carb lifestyle. I have my veggies, nuts, salads, dressings , protein in a bowl and finish off my brunch or lunch. This keeps me full and satisfied for longer time. So i wanted to share you one of my version of lunch bowl.

You can be more creative in creating such n numbers of bowls with  n numbers of combinations. If i started to record my bowls, sure to post at least 1  every week. Such a creative way of eating healthy meals. This will be my life time habit.


Basics of Buddha bowl:

  • Veggies – Raw or roasted
  • Green
  • Grains
  • Proteins
  • Nuts / Seeds
  • healthy Sauce



